Grayling SDA School

Encounter Jesus, Experience Excellence

1. Philosophy, Mission & Curriculum



Grayling Seventh-day Adventist School’s mission is to lead students into a personal relationship with Christ and an intimate knowledge of His Word. Children in our school will be directed towards a life of service through the “harmonious development of the physical, the mental and the spiritual powers” (Education, p. 13). School experiences will be designed to lead children to a desire for service within the church as well as the local and global communities.




The Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes God as the ultimate source of existence and truth. In the beginning, God created in His image a perfect humanity, a perfection later marred by sin. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s character and purposes can be understood as revealed in nature, the Bible, and Jesus Christ.


The distinctive characteristics of Adventist education, derived from the Bible and the inspired writings of Ellen G. White, point to the redemptive aim of true education: the restoration of human beings into the image of their Maker. While God presents His infinitely loving and wise character as the ultimate norm for human conduct, human motives, thinking, and behavior have fallen short of God’s ideal. Education in its broadest sense is a means of returning human beings to their original relationship with God. Its time dimensions span eternity.


Adventist education seeks to develop a life of faith in God and respect for the dignity of all human beings; to build character akin to that of the Creator; to nurture thinkers rather than mere reflectors of others’ thoughts; to promote loving service rather than selfish ambition; to ensure maximum development of each individual’s potential; and to embrace all that is true, good, and beautiful. An education of this kind imparts far more than academic knowledge. It fosters a balanced development of the whole person--physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually.


Working together, homes, schools, and churches cooperate with divine agencies in preparing learning for responsible citizenship in this world and in the world to come.


Visit to learn more about our core curriculum and its specific standards for excellence.

Related Information

About Us 2. Our Staff 3. Calendar of Events 4. GSDAS Student/Parent Handbook 5. Four-Day School Week